Implant Supported Dentures
Implant Supported Dentures

With a degree of steadiness, implant-supported dentures have the benefits of both dental implants and the convenience of dentures as they are securely implanted in the jaw. It has both the advantages of dental implants and the convenience of traditional dentures. Through the combination of these technologies, the worry of denture wearers' dentures slipping or shifting is eliminated, ensuring a secure and snug fit. As a consequence, oral function, appearance, and confidence are all restored in a way that seems very similar to having real teeth.

Why Implant Supported Dentures?

Improved comfort is a benefit of implant-supported dentures. They provide patients with a smoother and more convenient experience because they don't require daily removal. This improves general well-being and confidence, in addition to making regular dental care easier.

These dentures also provide better oral function. They restore both appearance and functionality by making it easier for wearers to speak, chew, and smile. By eliminating problems that may occur from gaps caused by missing teeth, implant-supported dentures improve oral health.

Advantages of Implant Supported Dentures
  • Dental implants give implant-supported dentures an unmatched level of stability by securely anchoring them in the jaw.
  • By covering the spaces created by lost teeth, implant-supported dentures contribute to the preservation of the jaw's structural integrity. This can lessen the chance of bone resorption and avoid future dental problems.
  • Dentures supported by implants are easier to wear and care for because they don't require the sticky pastes or adhesives that come with regular dentures.
  • People can live a more secure and comfortable lifestyle by selecting implant-supported dentures, which combine the advantages of dental implants and regular dentures.